<p class="aboutsourced">Protective Life </p><div class='console-container'><span id='text'></span><div class='console-underscore' id='console'>_</div></div>
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Client Bio: Protective Life Corporation is a values-driven company that offers life and specialty insurance and investment products. Their mission is in their name. They fostering an environment to promote a servant’s heart. They serve by leading people to the right solutions. Always treating others as they would like to be treated and improve the quality of life for those they serve. Protective Life’s Information Technology group wanted to streamline, clarify and simplify everything they do that was customer facing. They realize that life is complex and doing business with them shouldn’t be.

Project Vision:  The core of this project was to make a central gateway for all user web interaction to internal business units. Protective was trying to connect the disparate business units with customer portal updates.  Making the information more connected and consumable by separate business unit entities – there was a need to provide an optimized user experience while allowing the internal business units pull the information or data that they need to facilitate their roles and responsibilities from one central source of record.

Our Approach:  We were brought in to augment the technical experience of resources engaged.  They heavily relied on our back-end system architecture and agile development prowess and speed of execution.  When we began working to resolve the problem, we discover huge disparities between the front-end design elements and backend functional requirements.  By exposing deficient architecture in the existing infrastructure, we were able to mitigate continue data differences for similar records and start the exercise of consolidating the data into one central system of record.

Client Industry: Life insurance

Technologies Used: Angular, Microsoft C# .NET

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