<p class="aboutsourced">Strategic Lending Group </p><div class='console-container'><span id='text'></span><div class='console-underscore' id='console'>_</div></div>
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Client Bio: Strategic Lending Group, Inc. (SLG) was a bank-owned mortgage lender that prided itself on exceptional client service, competitive rates, and the delivery of customized home mortgage solutions the RIGHT way.

Project Vision: Visualize and present operational data regarding quality and quantity of production by functional department so SLG executive leadership could manage the business with nothing more than an iPad.

Our Approach:  Utilizing our combined resource knowledge base of loan origination and the Encompass platform, KEYSYS made an immediate impact in the successful configuration of their mortgage loan origination system and developing customized reporting dashboards. The visual representation of SLG analytics and KPIs provided them with the ability to manage the performance of their entire organization with an iPad and achieve their goal of closing over 100 loans per month.

Client Industry: Financial Services

Technologies Used: C# .Net, SQL Server, Kendo (UI control) Telerik

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