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We specialize in building database-driven custom software solutions for our enterprise clients. We shine when we can leverage expertise in integration, workflow, user experience and design so our clients can better tell their stories.

We can also work with businesses who would benefit from using our custom CMS, Central.  Central is great for professional services organizations like legal, accounting, and architecture firms. These firms employ specialized individuals whose education, specializations, licenses, designations, and community involvement are their competitive advantage. If your people are your product, Central may be for you.

With our ability to customize software, and our in-house creative staff, we might be a great mix of form and function for your website.  If not, we can refer you to one of our local web design and development partners.

We are not a start-up, nor do we rely upon capital from fundraising or investors. We are only beholden to our clients’ satisfaction and our co-worker morale.

Cardiac Solutions

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Sirote & Permutt

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Protective Life

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