KEYSYS in the Kourtyard


KEYSYS in the Kourtyard is a monthly event that brings our team at KEYSYS together for an enjoyable time. We understand the importance of work-life balance, so attending this event is optional for our coworkers.

At KEYSYS, we value flexibility.

During KEYSYS in the Kourtyard, we create a dedicated space where our team can relax and build meaningful connections.

We also provide refreshments and snacks to enhance the experience. Engaging conversations, laughter, uplifting music, and friendly games like cornhole contribute to the positive atmosphere we create.

This event is designed to promote our team’s overall well-being.

We look forward to making unforgettable memories together at our next KEYSYS in the Kourtyard.

If you are interested in joining our team and coming to our next KEYSYS in the Kourtyard, check out our careers page. >>