Team Phoenix Goes Bowling


We just had another fantastic team building event! Our Phoenix team went head-to-head in bowling at the Vestavia Bowling Alley. Pins were knocked down, rivalries were made, we all had a great time together.

At KEYSYS we work together, support one another, encourage growth, and add an element of enjoyment to everything we do.

We greatly appreciate the positive attitude and shared success among our team members. It means alot to spend these times together.

We collected feedback from our team about their favorite aspects of these team building experiences. Here are a few highlights:

  • Building Relationships: Strengthens team bonds.
  • Having Fun: Everyone having a good time is always a common theme. 

  • Discovering Hidden Talents: Little did we know we had so many passionate bowlers on Team Phoenix.
  • Socializing Outside of Work: The opportunity to interact beyond the workplace was also highly valued. 
  • Competitive Camaraderie: The event brought out everyone’s competitive edge. 

  • Playful Innovation: The best bowler while using their non-dominant hand was crowned.

We love being able to have everyone together at these events, and can’t wait for the next one. If you’re interested in joining our team, let us know!