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Client Bio: Altaworx is a communication reseller for AT&T’s Wireless IoT, Phone Systems, and Internet Data Provider for AT&T

Project Vision: Altaworx approached KEYSYS as a partner focusing on APIs, software dev, and to provide a portal for their customers to access data and manage integration between their services.  The overall vision – client portal that they can log in to access Altawox product offerings.

Our Approach: KEYSYS was challenged to identify solutions for exposing data by implementing a central repository accessible via the web utilizing the latest security protocols.   We worked closely with Altaworx Director of Technology and internal resources to create integration for existing systems to provide efficient data collection and consumption leveraging the latest AWS technology including the serverless computing platform Lambda and RDS (Relational Database Service) for the central repository.

Client Industry: Telephony, Wireless

Technologies Used: Node js for the application, MS SQL for database

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